Catalog Of Services
In einem kostenlosen Kennenlerngespräch finden wir gemeinsam heraus, ob und wie wir zusammenarbeiten wollen. Denn es ist mir wichtig, dass ich der richtige Match und somit die gesuchte Lösung für Ihre Herausforderung bin.
Meine Leistungen stelle ich passgenau zu Ihrem ganz persönlichen Bedarf zusammen. Manchmal geht es um eine Stunde, manchmal um eine längerfristige Zusammenarbeit. Und manchmal ist es ganz im Sinne des Community-Gedankens eine Empfehlung an hervorragende Kolleg:innen.​
Advisory & Training
Communication workshops and trainings (empathic communication, intercultural communication)
Presentation training: speeches, keynotes, acceptance speeches, pitches and much more.
Press and public relations: Diversity-sensitive and anti-racist (visual) language
Sensitivity Readings (books, screenplays, novels, SoMe community management etc.)
Creative direction of image films
Evaluation of events and campaign concepts
You are still at the beginning of your project or already in the middle of the ongoing process. You are still looking for more creative input or certainty that you have struck the right note and chosen the appropriate measure for a successful conclusion.
Depending on the size of the assignment, I work solo or as part of a collective, whose actors are selected to suit your project and in close consultation with you. I am also happy to work together with existing teams in your company, which has the advantage of coordinating the maxims with you at the same time and, if necessary, using or adjusting them in a way that adds value.
Presentation and appearances
Keynotes and impulse lectures on the topics of society and social issues, e.g. Language creates a social reality, Social identities as a key factor for inclusion, Success model for career changers, Empathic communication and much more.
Moderation of discussion groups, corporate events, events and congresses.
My enjoyment of presenting and engaging people with a topic is enduring. Through my professional experience in the arts, I am confident with texts and accustomed to large audiences and working in front of the camera. My affinity for creativity and creation permeates my entire range of services.
You can find video material and entertaining insights in my professional diary at: